myTenders PRO for Procurement for Housing


As the only national procurement organisation dedicated to the needs of the social housing sector, PfH is an essential business tool for social landlords. The consortium generates substantial savings by harnessing the collective purchasing power of housing organisations. By reducing procurement costs, organisations can reinvest resources in front-line services, decent homes and vibrant neighbourhoods.
With a growing range of EU compliant framework agreements in place and a huge number of Members, efficiencies are happening here and now.
PfH is currently delivering significant savings for housing organisations right across the UK. Amid the array of purchasing consortia promising the sector big results ‘in the future', PfH has been getting its head down and achieving those results today. We're determined to sustain and better these efficiencies in the future.
Outstanding results so far
•As the largest and fastest growing procurement consortium in the sector, PfH Members now represents over 70% of the UK’s total social housing stock.

•PfH’s groundbreaking Account Card launched in May 2007. This electronic card system is now widely used by Members, their DLOs and their materials Contractors.

•Over £38 million was saved for the social housing sector since PfH began.

•More than 500,000 invoices have been processed through PfH’s Central Billing system since 2004.

•Criteria including social and environmental sustainability and equality and diversity has been integrated into PfH’s tender evaluation under EU procurement regulations.

•Top class procurement skills are being embedded within the sector. Over 1,000 people have attended PfH workshops since 2005.